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Projects: Projects for Investigator
Reference Number NIA_SGN0145
Title ACE (Advanced Condensing Exchanger) – Phase 2
Status Completed
Energy Categories Fossil Fuels: Oil Gas and Coal(Oil and Gas, Refining, transport and storage of oil and gas) 100%;
Research Types Applied Research and Development 100%
Science and Technology Fields ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY (Mechanical, Aeronautical and Manufacturing Engineering) 100%
UKERC Cross Cutting Characterisation Not Cross-cutting 100%
Principal Investigator Project Contact
No email address given
Award Type Network Innovation Allowance
Funding Source Ofgem
Start Date 01 March 2019
End Date 01 October 2020
Duration ENA months
Total Grant Value £353,138
Industrial Sectors Energy
Region South East
Programme Network Innovation Allowance
Investigators Principal Investigator Project Contact , SGN (100.000%)
  Industrial Collaborator Project Contact , SGN (0.000%)
Web Site https://smarter.energynetworks.org/projects/NIA_SGN0145
Objectives This project is concerned with the two conceptual designs of the new solutions for ACE 240 Heater and ACE Boiler House Retrofit. WP1 ACE 240 HeaterThis will involve carrying out a study and design of a larger ACE Heater capable of accommodating site duties up to 200kW. Ten potential application sites will be reviewed in order to develop a design which maximises standardisation. This project will allow wider implementation and approval of ACE as a product suitable for a range of duties across SGN and other GDN sites. WP2 ACE boiler House RetrofitThis will involve a study and conceptual design of a boiler house retrofit option for replacement of older atmospheric boilers which lack redundancy. A retrofit proposal will be developed for Petersfield while five other sites with potential for application will be reviewed to maximise design standardisation. This project will provide a basis for providing a simplified, industrial retrofit option for existing boiler houses reducing design and construction costs by reusing existing site infrastructure which remains in good condition and avoiding site re-design and re-reconfiguration to accommodate condensing boilers.Key stages of the projects are as follows. Project Kick-Off Conceptual Design and Standards Review Client Review and Finalisation of Product Scopes Detailed Design Packages and PS/5 Package Final Reports To conceptually design two new innovative solutions for Advanced Condensing Exchangers, WP1 ACE 240 Heater will involve carrying out a study and design of a larger ACE Heater capable of accommodating site duties up to 200kW. WP2 ACE Boiler House Retrofit will involve a study and conceptual design of a boiler house retrofit option for replacement of older atmospheric boilers which lack redundancy.Each ACE design has been proposed with a focus on plant life of 20-30 years with reduced complexity, and standardisation to ensure suitability for a maximum of SGN sites. ACE has also been designed to provide the option of maintenance by SGN operations. The objectives of the project are to: Undertake conceptual design of ACE 240 Heater designed with a minimum of complexity such that existing SGN staff can resolve call-outs and undertake maintenance. Detailed Design Packages and PS/5 Package The proposed retrofit study for Petersfield will open a door for a 96% efficient boiler and provide cost-effective option to renew pre-heat assets without unnecessarily adding to complexity. A custom manifold will also be designed to allow two new boilers to be integrated with the existing site hot water circulation pipework. ACE Boiler House Retrofit will identify which components can be reused while upgrading the site to improve efficiency and meet redundancy requirements in accordance with TD/13. Each ACE design has been proposed with a focus on plant life of 20-30 years
Abstract SGN currently operates approximately 240 pre-heat assets where approximately 120 of these are rated below 200kW. One challenge faced by GD networks is the lack of replacement options available where small scale preheat solutions are required. Current available options are limited to small-scale boiler houses which are complex resulting in higher call-out rates and have a shorter asset life. A number of innovation projects have been carried out looking to improve efficiencies within our network. Recently completed NIA project carried out by ProHeat “Strategic Pipeline Heat Study (NIA_SGN0106)”, investigated the operation of several types of preheating technologies, and evidenced how to optimise our alarm, control and operating philosophies to increase energy efficiency, reduce unnecessary call outs and potentially eliminate the requirement for lagging.This led to a further NIA project “ACE (Advanced Condensing Exchanger) (NIA_SGN0124)”, which investigated conceptual designs into ACE heaters which are efficient and easy to maintain, alternatives for both water bath heater and boiler house upgrades. While the initial ACE heater Phase 1 concept (NIA_SGN0124) was targeted for application up to 50kW, it was identified through the Strategic Pipeline Heat Study (NIA_SGN0106) project that: The average installed pre-heat capacity for SGN is near 200kW. Sites with pressure cuts of <30 bar have, on average, half the total annual operating hours as compared to pressure cuts >30 bar, some operating as little as 300 hours per year. Building on the learnings gained in Phase 1 of the ACE development (NIA_SGN0124), an additional project request has been included to review the feasibility of increasing the capacity of the original ACE to 240 kW while also developing ACE as a retrofit for older boiler house installations. These will be covered in two individual work packages (WP), WP1 ACE 240 Heater – Conceptual Design and WP2 ACE boiler House Retrofit – Conceptual Design.
Publications (none)
Final Report (none)
Added to Database 09/11/22